Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3 Days to Go...

I can't believe it's almost here! On Thursday, September 27th, I leave for the Grand Canyon. I'll stay in Phoenix with the HFD group on Thursday night, then on Friday we drive to the Grand Canyon. We will hike all day Saturday, starting out sometime between 4am and 8am so that we can return in plenty of time for a celebration dinner.

I checked the weather forecast for the Canyon, and it's going to be much chillier than I previously thought. It's calling for highs in the mid-70s with lows in the upper 20s/low 30s. That's right, when I wake up Saturday morning, it will be WINTER, then it will supposedly heat up very quickly as soon as the sun comes up. It's a desert, go figure. But this means I have to rethink my clothing and packing strategy. I've spent all summer training in hot weather gear. Now I have to figure out layers that are light enough not to be too cumbersome when I have to take them off and carry them. The last thing I need is more weight in my pack! I've already been advised to increase my water supply to 6 liters because I will likely drink it all. (And there are no opportunities to refill on the trail!)

The trail I chose is the South Kaibab Trail. It is a wider, well maintained trail, but rocky and steep at the top. According to the description, "this trail features steep and strenuous switchbacks, especially at the top, which is the last part of the hike. This trail elevation loss/gain of 2000’ to the maximum turnaround spot 3 miles into the Canyon." So it's not a long hike in terms of mileage (6 miles total), but will take much longer to ascend because of the steep climb and considerable elevation gain. I know I will be able to make it back up, but I think it will take me a while to do it. The South Kaibab Trail gives most spectacular views, but the trade-off is that you spend most of the day in complete exposure to the sun. One thing I learned this summer is how to liberally slather on the sunblock.

I'll try to write more just before and after the hike (assuming I can get internet access at the hotel) and keep you posted on my adventure. In the meantime, please wish me luck and think happy thoughts on Saturday afternoon to help me get up that canyon wall!

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