Monday, March 31, 2008

Why I Hike

I didn't make it to this week's training hike at Harper's Ferry. I re-injured my lower back the previous week (doing pilates, no less!). Upon advice from my chiropractor, I decided not to venture out on any uneven trails until my back feels better. Instead, I used the time to jump start my fundraising efforts.

Within 2 days of sending my initial emails, I received over $2,300 in donations. I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to see these generous contributions for such a worthy cause. This is the fourth year I have attempted a major fundraising effort (of $3,000+), and each time I am deeply touched by the outpouring of generosity and goodwill.

I know everyone has their own reasons for donating. Some of you have a direct connection to the cause - knowing a friend or loved one who has or had cancer. Maybe you are a survivor yourself. Some of you, luckily, have not had first-hand experience with the disease, but just want to help make the world better, or you simply want to support me as a friend.

Regardless of the reasons why, or how much you donate, I appreciate every penny you contribute because it means we are that much closer to finding a cure. So thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Together we are saving lives!

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