On Monday, June 9th, I hiked to the summit of Estes Cone (elev. 11,002') in Rocky Mountain National Park. With the help of my wonderful donors, I was able to raise over $6,900 towards a cure for blood cancers!
Just 2 days ago, my fundraising hit the $5,000 mark. Now, thanks to my wonderful, wonderful donors, I am just over $6,000! It never fails to amaze me how generous friends, family, coworkers, and even perfect strangers are when I simply ask. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a terrific organization with an impressive mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. We are working together to save lives!As of $6,120, here is my Donors Hall of Fame. Aina Irbe
Alice Hirzel
Alice Krum
Allie Pang
Amy Longyear
Ashley Carlson
Barbara Plevelich
Becky Schoepfle
Betsy Rosso
Bev Jackson
Brandy Bones
Bridget Pool
Carey Ragels
Catharina Reese
Ching Ling Kwong
Colleen McGuire
Craig McClellan
Dale Glaser
Dana Bomkamp
Daryle Lademan
Dave Howard
Denise & William Bones
Doug & Liza Larson
Doug Larson, Jr.
Doug Tinsler
Ellen Ward
Emily Dalton
Evan Parker
Jaya Chimnani
Jeanne Chou
Jen Nelson
Jennifer Hazel
Jessica McClure
John & Brooke Frassinelli
Joseph Greenlee
Karen Kimball
Karen Popular-Lawhorn
Katie Miller
Katrina Cain
Kaustuv Chakrabarti
Khang Hiu
Kris Guido
Kristin & Bruce Maynard
Kyra Grundeman
Lisa Gabel
Lynne O'Connell
Marie Lowe
Matt Williamson
Melissa McGurk
Patrick Taylor
Ramune Rastonis
Sam Edelstein
Shannon Smith
Shayna Lebowitz
Sheryl Anderson
Sridevi Nanjundaram
Sue Frick
Sunil Nanjundaram
Viengkeo & Dave TzongThank you, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't do this hike without you!
I can't believe my big hike is only 3 days away! I fly out early Saturday morning to Denver, then drive to Estes Park with my hike buddy, Ellen. She's never been to Colorado, so we're planning to stop in Boulder on the way. I used to travel to Golden all the time for my old job because my client was there. I remember the first time I drove west from Denver to Golden, which is in the foothills of the Rockies. When I saw the spires of those enormous mountains rising up to the sky, I swear I heard angels singing a chorus. I can't wait to do that drive again!The plan is to stay in Estes Park for 3 nights at the Stanley Hotel, the inspiration for Stephen King's "The Shining." It is supposed to be haunted, so I'm hoping to go on one of their ghost tours. But if a little kid comes up to me wiggling his finger and hissing "red rum," I am SO outta there. We spend two days acclimating since the elevation for the hike is higher than we're used to (my trail starts out around 9,400 ft. and climbs to 11,006 ft.). There is a very good chance there will be snow on the trail as well - I have not trained for that, so wish me luck! Then on Monday my group starts out at 6:25am. Ouch. I better get some sleep this weekend...After the hike, Ellen and I are spending the night with a friend in Denver, then we're taking an additional week to do a road trip to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. We're spending three nights in Jackson Hole, and two nights in West Yellowstone. On our last night, we're visiting a friend of mine from college who works at Chico Hot Springs Resort near Bozeman (where we fly out the following morning). She got us a room at the resort, which is just fantastic. I'm really looking forward to the road trip and trying out my new DSLR camera (now that I have figured out how to use it).
First I must finish packing and make sure I make my flight in the morning. Wish me luck and send "happy foot" thoughts my way on Monday!
Here is a picture of me that my hike buddy, Barbara, took when we hiked Overall Run. I think it looks like I'm wearing a crown of leaves - a very "nature chick" picture. Guess that means I'm ready to go!

Today I received a donation that put my fundraising over the $5,000 mark! Thank you, thank you to all of my wonderful donors who have contributed so generously to my hike, particularly those who continue to sponsor me year after year. Your support means so much to me, and I couldn’t do these events and raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society without you. Some statistics, for those who like statistics:
Funds raised to date: $5,180
Total number of donors: 50
Average donation: $103.60
% of donations made online: 88%
Average online donation: $102.95
I also received some exciting news last night – our team of 23 people who will be hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park this weekend has raised over $140,000 this season! This is absolutely incredible. We are hoping to raise at least $150,000 by the end of June. The deadline for donations has been extended to June 20th. If you haven’t already made a donation, but still want to contribute, there is still time!
My online fundraising site is: http://www.active.com/donate/hfdnca04/mayalarson
Or you can send me a check in the mail to my home address.
I leave for Estes Park, Colorado on Saturday. I don’t know if I’ll have access to email while I’m there, but I hope to send out a note when I finish my hike. Wish me luck!