The Trailblazers
Hiking to Cure Cancer - May 2009
It was a beautiful day for hiking, though it quickly got warm when we were heading uphill. It was also a very popular day to be hiking -- I had never seen the parking lot that full before. A lot of people (couples, families, hike groups) passed us on the way up. (Of course, we passed them on the way down, but that's another story.) I just bought a new DSLR camera in preparation for my trip out west, but wanted to test it out (in terms of functionality and weight since it’s quite a bit heavier than my old point-and-shoot). I stopped a lot to take pictures of my fellow hikers, flowers and trees along the way.
It took us about 4 hours to get to the top, not including the break for lunch partway up and looking around at the summit, then about 2.5 hours to get back down the back side of the mountain and back to the parking lot. Here's a picture of the gang at the summit:
I feel like I am almost ready for the Rockies. Just 2 more weeks to go!!
To see more of my trip photos, please visit my Flickr.com site.